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100 Teacher Tips #20-23 | Let It Go | Don’t Shout | Teacher Calendar | Connect With Learners

    Tip 20: Let It Go

    Pick your battles. Sometimes it’s better to let minor transgressions go by turning a blind eye. If students are doing something, or if they’re upset, and it’s something small that won’t affect the class, just let it go. Turn a blind eye and continue, because you don’t want to make a major issue by focusing on every slight mistake they make. Students get emotional and they make mistakes – just let it slide if that is in the best interest of the class or for the continuity of the lesson.

    We’ve all made mistakes as students. Sometimes they can say something in the heat of an argument they don’t mean. It’s then better to just let it go. We’re all human, and it’s sometimes better not to attack them for every small transgression.

    Tip 21: Don’t Shout!

    Only shout in an absolutely extreme situation. When you’re in class, you should never shout; rather speak in a louder voice if you must, but once you’ve shouted, you’ve lost it. It will signal to the students that you need to raise your voice. And the next time you will need to raise your voice louder, and louder and louder. It’s going to have the effect that you need to go louder every time. So, at most speak loudly. You want to save that yell for an emergency situation in your class.

    Speak loudly, speak clearly, but never shout at students, because that will also reflect badly on you if other teachers and other students see you shouting at your students. By never shouting at students, you will also show them you have respect for them and you will also serve as a role model.

    They will see that shouting is not okay in your classroom because you aren’t doing it. Then they too can’t shout in your classroom either.

    Tip 22: Teacher Calendar

    Have your calendar well planned out and easy to access. Be specific and accurate regarding the information on the event schedule. Include all school activities, sport, and extra-mural activities. Learners will look to you to know what is happening. Students are young and they need information from you as the teacher.

    Have easy access to your calendar and schedules. Check it often to stay informed about all future events. So, I would say have a calendar prominently displayed in your class, and keep schedules on file so that you know exactly where everything is when needed. When it comes to classroom administration, the most important thing for teachers is to be well prepared. You can never be too well prepared to be a teacher.

    Tip 23: Connect With Learners

    Greet your students at the door and build relationships with them. When we were young, the best teachers were the ones we had good relationships with. That remains the same for today. When you meet your students, say hello and ask questions about them. Take an interest in their lives, get to know them, because the more connections you create with them, the more comfortable they’ll feel with you and will trust you more. I think love is so important between a teacher and their students and you can show it by asking them questions and getting to know them. (See Tip 16, morning routine.)

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