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English Questions about a Job Interview

    ESL Questions about a Job Interview

    Here is Lesson 52 with 20 English Questions about a ‘JOB INTERVIEW’ to ask a person or students in an ESL class. Model answers can be viewed in the book. See the link below.


    1. Why should we hire you?
    2. Please tell me about yourself.
    3. What are your qualifications?
    4. What do you know about this company?
    5. What are your biggest strengths?
    6. Are you a good team player?
    7. Are you good at handling difficult or stressful situations? Give an example.
    8. What would you like to learn in this company?
    9. How well does your personality fit this job?
    10. How do you handle conflict at work? Tell me about how you handled a problem with a coworker or customer.


    1. Why do you want this job?
    2. What do you consider your biggest achievement?
    3. Do you have relevant work experience?
    4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    5. What are your biggest weaknesses?
    6. What salary and benefits do you expect?
    7. Are you a good leader? Give an example.
    8. Why did you leave your last job?
    9. What do you wish to accomplish in the first 90 days of this job?
    10. Do you have any questions for me?

    PHOTO: Tima Miroshnichenko/ Pexels.

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