ESL Questions about Money
Lesson 25 with 20 English Questions about ‘MONEY’ to ask a person or students in an ESL class. Model answers can be viewed in the book. See the link below.
- What is the last thing you bought?
- What is your favorite shop?
- Who is someone very rich?
- How would you spend $20/ $200/ $2000?
- How can you save money?
- Do you give money to charity?
- Do you think credit cards are good or bad?
- What is the most money you’ve ever had on you?
- How did society function before money?
- What type of taxes do you pay?
- Do you get (receive) a salary or allowance?
- What do you use money for?
- How do rich people make money?
- Why do some people have money problems?
- What is the most money that you have ever spent?
- Can money buy happiness?
- Have you ever lost money?
- How can you earn more money?
- How would you live your life if you were mega rich?
- Do you think money can buy love?
PHOTO: David Mcbee/ Pexels.
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