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English Questions about Shopping

    ESL Questions about Shopping

    Lesson 8 with 20 English Questions about ‘SHOPPING’ to ask a person or students in an ESL class. Model answers can be viewed in the book. See the link below.


    1. What is the last thing you’ve bought? (purchased)
    2. What is your favorite brand?
    3. How do you feel about online shopping?
    4. Have you ever bought something only to regret it later?
    5. Who does the shopping at your home? How often do they go shopping?
    6. If you had $1000, what would you buy?
    7. In general, why do women enjoy shopping more than men?
    8. A bargain hunter is someone who loves to find sales or discounts. Are you a bargain hunter?
    9. Shoplifting is when someone steals from a shop. How do shops prevent this from happening?
    10. Where is a good place to go shopping in your city?


    1. What is your favorite shop?
    2. What do you buy at least once a week?
    3. If you opened your own shop, what would you sell?
    4. What groceries do you buy at the supermarket?
    5. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
    6. Do you prefer shopping alone or with friends?
    7. Your birthday is tomorrow. What gift would you like to receive?
    8. What is something that is better to buy online?
    9. In the United States, Black Friday is a day with many sales. Is there a special day in your country to go shopping?
    10. Have you ever returned an item to a shop? What and why?

    PHOTO: Shopping by Anna Tarazevich/ Pexels.

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