It is shocking to see that teachers in one part of the world earn 50 American dollars per month, while others work for 5,000 dollars per month. This article examines the income of school teachers across the world, looking at the median salary, the lower 25%, and the top 25% incomes in 132 countries with populations above one million, except for Fiji and Iceland. A sister article provides an alphabetical list of teacher salaries around the world.
So, how do teacher salaries compare in the different regions? Which teachers get the best salaries in the world? What do English or ESL teachers earn and which regions pay the best?
The English proficiency and latest population numbers are also provided per country showing the difference between regions, as defined by the United Nations.

Table of Contents
The regions covered are:
- The six Anglophone nations
- Western Europe – 12 countries
- Central and Eastern Europe – 15 countries
- Northern Europe – 8 countries
- Central America – 8 countries
- Caribbean islands – 5 countries
- South America – 10 countries
- Asia – 18 countries
- Middle East – 10 countries
- Central Asia – 7 countries
- North Africa – 6 countries
- East Africa – 8 countries
- West Africa – 7 countries
- Southern Africa – 7 countries
- Central Africa – 6 countries.
A total of 135 countries of which the population of all but two exceeds one million.
Teacher salaries in English-speaking countries
What are teacher salaries in different countries? How much do teachers’ pay in rich countries differ from the salaries in other parts of the world? The research on salaries was mostly done in July – August 2022, focussing on secondary or primary school teachers in different regions, starting with the Anglosphere nations.
1. USA – American salaries differ up to $40,000
The average salary of teachers in the United States of America can differ as much as almost $40,000 per annum between the big and smaller states! This is the difference between teaching in New York with $85,889 and Mississippi with $45,574 per year. The national average is $58,593 per year. The following link provides a comprehensive list of teacher salaries by state in the USA for 2022. (The second link is to an article with the best websites for finding jobs in the USA.)
- The USA is the world’s biggest English-speaking country, with 95% or 259 million 1st language, and 58 million 2nd language users.
2. United Kingdom
Teacher salaries in the United Kingdom differ considerably between London and other regions. Starting salaries for new teachers in the UK range from 23,800 to 25,714 British Pound sterling or 26,712 to 28,860 American dollars per year, but £32,157 ($36,092) for London, where the top scale is around 82,300 pounds ($92,372) per year. The lowest starting salary in Scotland starts at £27,498 ($33,319) and in Northern Ireland at £24,137 ($29,246).
Headteachers earn £47,735 ($57,840) to £117,197 ($142,008) in England and Wales; £48,901 ($59,253) to £125,098 ($151,581) in London, £51,207 ($62,047) to £98,808 ($119,726) in Scotland and £43,664 ($52,907) to £108,282 ($131,205) in Northern Ireland. Unqualified teacher’s pay ranges from £18,169 ($22,015) to £29,924 ($36,259).
- English is the 1st language of 98% or 59 million people in the UK and is used by 3.8 million as a 2nd language.
3. Australia
Australia is the best-paying country for teachers in the Southern hemisphere, especially after an increase in 2022 that took the top salary to 161,000 Australian dollars (112,000 American dollars) a year. The average salary for Australian teachers is AU$89,800 (62,300 USD) per year in Sydney, New South Wales. Starting salaries range between AU$71,600 (49,300 USD) to AU$79,000 (54,800 USD) per year.
“The salaries and workload are putting people off from choosing teaching as a career,” reported the Sydney Morning Herald in February 2022, despite Australian teachers being some of the better-paid educators in the world. In order to recruit better quality teachers and to stop the loss of both experienced and new educators, the Australian government has increased teacher salaries. Some other countries are following this example.
- English is the 1st language of 93% of Australia’s population of 26.1 million.
4. Canada
Teacher salaries in Canada vary substantially between the ten provinces, with the highest salaries going to the teachers in the remote north. The national average is 69,000 Canadian dollars (55,345 American dollars). In Toronto, Ontario the average salary for a teacher is 58,935 CAD (45,564 USD) per year, plus an additional cash compensation of 7,265 CAD (5,616 USD). The average salary for a teacher is 72,322 CAD (55,914 USD) in Edmonton, AB, ranging from 52,000 to 102,000 CAD (40,202 to 78,859 USD).
- Of Canada’s population of 38 million people, 74.8% (26 million) are English 1st language speakers and about 10 million are 2nd language users. There are 7.7 million French 1st language speakers and 400,00 bi-lingual Canadians.
5. Ireland
Only teachers in Luxembourg, Denmark and Germany have higher earnings than teachers in Ireland within the European Union, ranging from 47,848 Euro (50,034 US dollars) for teachers aged 25-34 to €73,948 ($77,326) for those aged 55-64. The starting salary of teachers in Ireland at both primary and secondary levels at €36,953 ($38,641).
- English is a co-official language in Ireland, with 98% or 4.1 million 1st language users.
6. New Zealand
New primary school teachers in New Zealand earn between 48,000 to 52,000 New Zealand dollars (29,660 to 32,138 American dollars) per year. Those with six years of experience earn between 71,000 and 80,000 NZD (43,380 to 49,440 USD). Secondary school teachers typically earn around 79,200 NZD (48,949 USD) per year, though other sources claim the average to be 72,000 NZD (44,500 USD). The salaries of school principals vary from 95,175 to 166,272 NZD (58,822 to 102,763 USD) per year.
- English is a co-official language in New Zealand, with 98% or 3.6 million 1st language users.
Teacher Salaries in Western Europe
Teacher salaries vary substantially from west to eastern Europe. The best-paid teachers in Europe are those in tiny Luxembourg, with its half-million inhabitants, where primary teachers earn over 67,000 euros. Other teachers over €76,000 per annum. Bulgaria is at the lowest end with an average of €7,000.
(Note: The Euro reached parity with the American dollar by August 2022.)
With the notable exceptions of Switzerland and Norway, the current 27 European Union countries are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. Turkey, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, and North Macedonia are currently candidates for EU membership.
The Euro is used as a currency in the following 19 EU member countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
1. Austria
Primary school teachers in Austria earn between 33,980 and 57,781 euros per year, with an average of €47,006 per year. New secondary school teachers earn around €3,020 ($3,073) per month, but the average pay is €4,550 per month.
- The English proficiency of Austria’s population of 8.9 million is very high, ranking 2nd only to the Netherlands of 112 countries on an annual survey, the 2021 English Proficiency Index. The EF survey measured 2,2 million adults online with a median age of 26.
2. Belgium
Primary school teachers in Belgium typically earn around 4,620 euros per month, with salaries ranging from €2,120 to €7,340. High school teachers typically earn salaries of between €2,330 and €8,050, with an average of €5,060 per month or between €35,441 to €60,300 per year.
- The English proficiency of Belgium’s population of 11.6 million is very high, ranking 6th in Europe in the annual EF survey of 112 countries.
3. Bosnia
Secondary school teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina on average earn 1,920 Convertible Mark or 981 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 880 BAM to 3,050 BAM (450 to 1,559 USD) per month. The median salary is 2,070 marks ($1,058) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,330 marks ($680) while the top 25% earn 2,760 marks ($1,410) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s population of 3.2 million was ranked as average (26th of 72 countries) in the 2017 EF survey.
4. Bulgaria
Secondary school teachers in Bulgaria on average earn 2,620 Bulgarian Lev or1,335 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 1,370 to 4,020 BGN (608 to 2,049 USD). The median (50%) salary is 2,520 lev ($1,284) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,750 lev ($892) and the top 25% earning over 3,140 lev ($1,600) per month. English teachers in Bulgaria reportedly earn between $650 to $1,000 per month.
- The English proficiency of Bulgaria’s 6.8 million people is high, ranking 23rd of 112, or 19th of 35 European countries in an annual survey.
5. France
Primary school teachers in France earn on average 36,500 euros per year. Salaries range from €16,800 to €58,000. Secondary school teachers on average earn €43,569 per year, ranging from €31,451 to €53,556. English teachers earn between 1,498 and 3,968 US dollars per month, depending on the type of school, qualifications, and experience.
- English proficiency of France’s population of 67 million is much lower than its neighbors, ranking 31st of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
6. Germany
The 16 German federal states (Bundesländer) hire teachers and salaries vary substantially based on experience, skills and location. The typical teacher earns around 2,830 Euros (4,660 US Dollars) per month. Salaries for primary school teachers in Bavaria (for example) range from €3,945 to €4,640 (4,000 to 4,700 USD). The net salary (take-home pay) of a typical 35-year-old teacher with civil servant status on average earns €400 over one without the status. English teachers in Germany make between $1,000 to $2,200 per month working at private language schools.
- The English proficiency of Germany’s population of 83 million is very high, ranking 11th among 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
7. Hungary
Graduated teachers in Hungary earn notably lower salaries than those in other professions with similar university qualifications. The national average income for teachers in Hungary is 530,000 Hungarian forint (1,297 American dollars) per month, ranging from 254,000 to 967,000 HUF (621 to 2,367 USD). Teachers were promised increases of 10% plus in 2022 and 2023. English teachers in Budapest earn $700 to $900.
- The English proficiency of Hungary’s population of 9,7 million is high, ranking 15th in Europe and 19th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
8. Italy
The starting salary for Italian primary school teachers is around 22,394 euros, ranging up to € 37,799, less than their equivalents in Western Europe, who on average earn between €25,249 and €46,745. High school teachers earn with a few years of experience earn an average of €25,000 and those with 15 to 20 years around €29,660. The pay of English (ESL) teachers in Italy varies from $1,000 to $1,500 depending on the employer and the location.
- The English proficiency of Italy‘s population of 59.4 million is moderate, ranking 26th in Europe and 35th of 112 countries in the annual survey, though 34% or 17 million Italians use English as a 2nd language.
9. Netherlands
The starting salary of primary school teachers in the Netherlands is around 2,900 euros, rising with experience up to €5,300. The equivalent for secondary school teachers is €3,100 to €6,300. English (ESL) teachers on average earn $2,200 to $3,600 per month.
- The Dutch are rated the most proficient English 2nd language nation, with 90% or 15.2 million of the Netherland’s population of 17 million having high fluency – the highest in Europe and the world.
10. Portugal
Secondary school teachers in Portugal earn around 2,240 euros per month, with salaries ranging from 1,100 to 3,490 euros. The median (50%) salary is 2,280 euros, with 25% of teachers earning less than €1,520, with 50% between €1,520 and €2,940, and the top 25% €2,940 and more per month.
- The English proficiency of Portugal’s 10,2 million people is very high, ranking 6th in Europe among English 2nd language users.
11. Spain
Primary school teachers in Spain earn starting salaries of 36,405 American dollars per year, which is above the EU average of $28,934. The salaries of secondary school teachers range from €1,240 to €3,450, typically earning around €2,290 per month. Educators in Barcelona earn on average between €3,310 to €5,850 per month. English (ESL) teachers typically make between €1,500 to €2,000 per month.
- The English proficiency of Spain‘s population of 47.7 million is moderate, ranking 25th in Europe and 33rd of 112 countries in the annual EF survey. English is the 2nd language for 22% or 10.4 million people in Spain.
12. Switzerland
Primary school teachers in Switzerland earn an average of 97,000 Swiss Francs (99,302 American dollars) per year. Salaries range from 44,600 to 154,000 CHF (45,660 to 157,660 USD). In Zurich, an upper secondary school teacher typically could earn a starting salary of 8,506 francs ($8,708) per month or 110,590 francs ($113,215). English language teachers in Switzerland earn around 101,000 francs ($103,400) per year. Salaries range from 46,400 to 160,000 francs ($47,500 to $157,650) per year.
- The English proficiency of Switzerland’s population of 8.6 million is high, ranking 21st in Europe and 25th among 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
Teacher salaries in Central and Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe, as defined by the United Nations, includes Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, and the western part of the Russian Federation.
1. Albania
Elementary school teachers in Albania on average earn about 67,800 Albanian Lek or 577 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 33,200 to 106,000 ALL (283 to 903 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 69,100 lek or $589 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 46,100 lek ($393) and the top 25% earning 89,200 lek ($760) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Albania’s 2.8 million population is moderate, ranking 39th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
2. Belarus
Secondary school teachers in Belarus on average earn 2,460 Belarussian Rubles or 976 American dollars per month with salaries ranging from 1,260 to 3,790 BYN (500 – 1,503 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 2,410 BYN ($956) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,650 BYN ($655) per month, while the top 25% are earning over 3,040 Rubles ($1,206) per month. English teachers in Belarus earn between $550 – $1,100 per month.
- The English proficiency of the 9.4 million Belarussians is moderate, ranking 38th of 112 countries (28th among 35 European countries) in the annual EF survey.
3. Bulgaria
Elementary school teachers in Bulgaria earn on average 2,400 Bulgarian Lev or 1,226 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging between 1,250 to 3,670 BGN or 639 to 1,875 US dollars. The median (50%) salary is 2,300 lev ($1,175) per month, with 25% of teachers are earning less than 1,600 lev ($818), while the top 25% earn 2,870 lev or $1,467 or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Bulgaria’s population of 6,9 million is moderate, ranking 19th of 35 countries in Europe and 23rd of 112 countries in an annual survey.
4. Croatia
Secondary school teachers in Croatia on average earn about 11,600 Croatian kuna or 1,590 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 5,330 to 18,400 HRK (730 to 2,522 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 12,500 kuna ($1,714) per month, with the bottom 25% of teachers earning less than 8,030 Kuna ($1,100) and the top 25% 16,700 kuna ($2,290) and more. English teachers in Croatia earn between $900 and $1,300 USD per month (6,000 to 8,400 kuna).
- The English proficiency of Croatia’s population of 3.9 million is very high, ranking 9th in Europe and 10th globally of 112 countries in an annual survey.
5. Czechia
Primary school teachers in the Czech Republic, now officially recognized by the UN as Czechia, typically earn around 42,800 Czech Koruna or 8,719 American dollars per annum. The national average teacher’s wage is 44,000 to 59,900 CZK (8,963 to 12,203 USD) per year, with salaries ranging from 20,200 to 69,900 koruna ($4,115 to $14,240) per year. Secondary school teachers do a little better, earning an average of 48,800 koruna ($9,941) per year, ranging from 23,900 to 76,100 koruna ($4,869 to $15,503). English (ESL) teachers earn between $1,000 to $1,500 on average in Prague.
- The English proficiency of Czechia‘s population of 10.7 million is high, ranking 27th of 112 countries.
6. Georgia
Elementary school teachers in Georgia on average earn around 4,510 Georgian lari or 1,558 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 2,170 to 7,080 GEL or 750 to 2,446 USD. The median (50%) salary is 4,690 lari ($1,620) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 3,090 lari ($1,069) while the top 25% earn 6,120 lari ($2,114) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Georgia’s population of 3.7 million is moderate, ranking 31st of 35 European countries, but 50th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
7. Greece
Primary school teachers in Greece typically earn around 1,700 euros per month, with a salary scale ranging from €780 to €2,710 per month. The salaries of secondary school teachers range from €890 to €2,850, with an average of €1,820 per month.
- English is the 2nd language for 51% of Greece’s population of 10.3 million, ranking 19th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
8. Moldova

Sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine, elementary school teachers in Moldova earn an average of 19,100 Moldovan Leu or 989 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging between 9,930 and 29,200 MDL (514 to 1,512 USD). The median (50%) salary is 18,300 lei ($948) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 12,700 lei ($658) per month, while the top 25% are earning 22,800 lei or $1,181 or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Moldova’s population of 3.3 million is moderate, ranking 36th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
9. North Macedonia
Elementary school teachers in North Macedonia earn on average 31,200 Macedonian denars or 502 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 16,600 to 47,500 MKD (267 to 765 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 29,400 denars ($473) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 20,700 denars ($333), the top 25% are earning 36,100 denars ($581) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Macedonia’s population of 2 million is moderate to low, though English is a compulsory school subject since 2010.
10. Poland
Qualified teachers in Poland earn 4,046 Polish zloty or 888 American dollars per month, about an average of 84,776 PLN (18,068 USD) per year, compared to trainee teachers who get a minimum of 2,949 zloty ($647) per month. Primary school teachers earn between 61,337 and 104,299 zloty ($13,466 to $22,900). High school teachers earn between 63,295 and 107,780 zloty ($13,360 -$22,750) or an average of 87,605 zloty ($18,490) per year.
- · English is the 2nd language for 37% or 14.3 million of Poland’s population of 38 million.
11. Romania
Teachers in Romania receive the third lowest salaries in Europe, behind Serbia and Bulgaria, with an average annual salary for teachers of 7,274 euros per year or around 9,530 Romanian Leu (1,940 American dollars) per month. Salaries range from 4,570 to 17,400 RON (928 to 3,542 USD), with an average wage of 2,500 lei ($510) per month in Bucharest, Romania. The average salary for primary school teachers is 59,302 lei ($12,081) per year. Secondary school teachers with little experience earn around 44,490 lei ($9,063). Senior secondary school teachers earn between 75,759 and 60,520 RON ($15,360 to $12,325) per year. English (ESL) teachers in Romania earn $600 to $1,000 in Bucharest.
- English is the 2nd language for 31% or 5.9 million of Romania’s 19.2 million people.
12. Serbia
Secondary school teachers in Serbia on average earn 114,000 Serbian dinar or 967 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 53,400 RSD to 180,000 RSD (453 to 1,527 USD) per month. The median salary is 120,000 rial ($1,018) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 78,200 dinars ($663) while the top 25% earn 159,000 dinars ($1,349) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Serbia’s population of 8.6 million is high, ranking 14th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
13. Slovakia
Elementary school teachers in Slovakia earn about 1,440 EUR per month, with salaries ranging from 690 to 2,260 euros per month. The median (50%) salary is 1,500 euros per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 990 euros, while the top 25% earn 1,960 euros or more per month.
- The English proficiency of the 5.4 million Slovaks is high, ranking 20th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
14. Turkey
Turkey is uniquely positioned between Europe and Asia and the Middle East. Primary school teachers in Turkey earn between 54,939 and 93,419 Turkish lira/ TRY (3,145 to 5,348 American dollars), with an average pay of 75,157 lire ($4,402) a year. Secondary school teachers typically earn around 6,190 lire ($355) per month, with salaries ranging from 3,350 to 9,350 lire ($192 to $535) per month. English teachers working at language schools make anywhere between $550 to $1,600 per month.
- English is the 2nd language for 17% or 12 million of Turkey’s population of 84.7 million.
15. Ukraine
Teachers in Ukraine, those parts to the west where the war does not rage, earn around 18,600 Ukrainian Hryvnia or 504 American dollars per month. Salaries range from 9,140 to 29,100 UAH (248 to 788 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 19,000 hryvnias ($515) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 12,700 hryvnias ($344), while the top 25% earn 12,700 hryvnias ($664) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Ukraine’s 44.1 million people is described as ‘moderate,’ ranking 30th of Europe’s 35 nations, but 40th on the annual survey of 112 countries.
Teacher Salaries in Northern Europe
According to the definition of the United Nations, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the three Scandinavian countries – Sweden, Denmark, and Norway – fall under Northern Europe, together with Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, and Lithuania.
1. Denmark
Primary school teachers in Denmark earn between 300,477 to 510,938 Danish Krone (41,137 – 69,951 American dollars) per month. Secondary school teachers earn around 33,900 DKK (4,641 USD) per month. English teachers typically earn around 31,500 kroner ($4,312), with salaries ranging between 18,300 and 53,900 kroner ($53,900 to $7,379) per month.
- The English proficiency of Denmark‘s population of 5.8 million is very high, the 3rd best of 112 countries in the annual EF survey. English is the 2nd language for 86% of Danes.
2. Estonia
Elementary school teachers in Estonia earn on average around 1,770 EUR or 1,770 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 960 to 2,670 euros. The median (50%) salary is 1,630 euros per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,160 euros while the top 25% earn more than 1,980 euros.
- The English proficiency of Estonia’s population of 1,3 million is high, ranking 18th in Europa and 22nd of 112 countries in an annual survey.
3. Finland
Teachers in Finland earn an average of 3,570 Euros per month, with salaries ranging from 1,750 to 5,570 euros. The median (50%) salary is 3,640 euros per month, with 25% earning less than 2,420 euros, while the top 25% earn 4,700 euros or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Finland’s 5.5 million people is among the 13 countries in the world rated as very high, with 77% of Fins using English as a 2nd language.
4. Iceland
Elementary school teachers in Iceland on average earn 464,000 Icelandic Krona or 3,267 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 213,000 ISK to 737,000 ISK (1,500 to 5,190 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 501,000 krona per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 321,000 krona ($3,528), while the top 25% earn 668,000 krona ($4,704) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Iceland’s small population of only 360,000 is very high.
5. Latvia
Elementary school teachers in Latvia on average earned 890 Euros per month, but since July 2021 the minimum teacher’s salary increased to 830 euros, with 75% of Latvian teachers earning less than 1,020 euros per month.
- The English proficiency of Latvia’s population of 1.9 million is high, ranking 22nd of 35 countries in Europe and 26th of 112 nations in an annual survey.
6. Lithuania
Elementary school teachers in Lithuania on average earn about 2,380 Lithuanian Litas or 688 US dollars per month, with salaries ranging between 1,190 to 3,690 LTL or 344 to 1,066 USD. (Lithuania uses the Euro, with the fixed rate since 2015 is 3,45 LTL to 1 Euro.) The median (50%) salary is 2,380 LTL ($688) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,610 LTL ($465) while the top 25% are earning 3,030 LTL ($875) and more per month. English (ESL) teachers earn around $500 to $900 USD per month.
- The English proficiency of Lithuania’s 2,7 million people is high, ranking 24th out of 112 countries in an annual survey.
7. Norway
Teachers in Norway earn on average 25,000 to 30,000 Norwegian Krona (2,500 – 3,000 US Dollars) per month, that equals 446,000 NOK (44,189 USD) per year, ranging from 217,000 to 750,000 Kroner ($21,400 – $74,400). These earnings vary based on experience, skills and location. English teachers typically earn around 473,000 Kroner ($46,800) per annum.
- The English proficiency of Norway‘s population of 4.5 million is very high, ranking 5th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey. English is the 2nd language for 90% of Norwegians.
8. Sweden
Starting salaries for teachers in Sweden vary between 282,670 and 480,659 Swedish Krona, 26,850 to 45,668 American dollars, with an average of about 391,000 SEK (37,000 USD). High school teachers at the top end of their scale earn about $2,500 per year more than elementary school teachers with similar experience. English teachers earn on average 1,350 to 1,750 USD (14,000 to 23,000 kroner).
- The English proficiency of Sweden‘s population of 9.2 million people is very high, ranking 7th in Europe and 8th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey. English is the 2nd language for 89% of Swedes.
Teacher Salaries in Central America
Mexico is always included with the seven Spanish-speaking countries of Central America, Guatemala, tiny Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.
1. Mexico
Mexico, with a population of 127.5 million, is the biggest of the Spanish-speaking countries in North and Central America. Mexico has one million teachers to educate 36.5 million school students, with an average class size of 26 learners.
The median (50%) teacher salary in Mexico is 26,600 to 27,100 Mexican Pesos/ MXN (1,312 to 1,337 American dollars) per month, ranging from 13,000 to 41,500 MXN (642 to 2,048 USD) with 25% earning less than 18,100 pesos ($893), while the top 25% earn 35,000 pesos ($1,727) or more per month. Another source put the median pay for English teachers at 29,435 pesos ($1,452) per month.
- The English proficiency of people in Mexico is very low. It ranks 19th out of 20 Latin American countries. Only 10% of the population have some English 2nd language knowledge.
2. Costa Rica
Sources vary on the salaries of secondary school teachers in Costa Rica. One source says Costa Rican teachers earn on average 1,870,000 Costa Rican Colón or 2,943 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging between 936,000 and 2,900,000 CRC (1,473 to 4,563 USD) per month. A second source says elementary school teachers earn 11,437,872 colon ($18,000) per year and those teaching in secondary schools on average earn 12,261,700 colon or $19,297 per annum ($1,608 per month). English teachers in Costa Rica earn between $800 and $1,000 according to one source, but a second source says salaries vary between $400 and $600.
- Costa Rica ranks 4th in Latin America with the English proficiency of its 5.2 million people, but it is described as only moderate, ranking 44th among 112 countries surveyed annually.
Costa Rica – focus on educational success
Costa Rica is famous for having abolished its army in 1949 in favor of improving its education system and continues to serve as an example for other countries, ranking 1st in Latin America. It has a literacy rate of 96% and 35% of young Costa Ricans attend higher education, with one-third attending public universities. Costa Rica pride itself on the success of its educational system as a pillar of society. Primary education is free and mandatory. So is the wearing of school uniforms to ensure students feel like equals, independent of their economic status. A standardized curriculum is also mandatory. The cost of uniforms, school supplies, books, and transportation is kept low to ensure school attendance.
4. El Salvador
Elementary school teachers in El Salvador on average earn around 1,180 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 600 to 1,820 USD. The median (50%) salary is $1,160 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than $790 USD, while the top 25% earn $1,460 or more per month.
- The English proficiency of El Salvador’s population of 6.5 million is high, ranking 9th among 20 Latin American countries and 54th of 112 nations in an annual survey.
5. Guatemala
Guatemala has a low literacy rate of about 75% for people older than 15, putting a lot of pressure on its teaching corps with 1.6 million students in public schools. Elementary school teachers in Guatemala earn an average of 7,000 Guatemalan Quetzal or 908 American dollars, ranging from 3,360 GTQ (434 USD) to 11,000 quetzals ($1,419) per month. The 50% median salary is 7,280 quetzals ($940) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 4,790 quetzals ($618) and the top 25% getting 9,500 quetzals ($1,226) per month.
- The English proficiency of Guatemala, with a population of 18.8 million is low – it ranks 13th of the 20 Latin American countries and 61st of 112 countries measured in 2021.
6. Honduras
In Honduras, less than 64% of the 1.8 million learners do not register or complete high school. Secondary school teachers in Honduras on average earn 21,200 Honduras Lira/ HNL (856 US Dollars) per month, with salaries ranging between 11,000 to 32,400 HNL (446 to 1,315 USD). The 50% median salary is 20,300 Lira ($864) per month, with 25% earning less than 14,100 Lira ($572) and the top 25% getting 25,300 Lira ($1,027).
- The English proficiency of Honduras, with a population of 9.9 million is rated as medium. It ranks 10th of the 20 Latin American countries and 55th of 112 countries measured in 2021.
7. Nicaragua
Elementary school teachers in Nicaragua earn about 13,100 Nicaraguan Córdoba or 363 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 6,430 to 20,500 NIO (178 to 568 USD). The median (50%) salary is 13,400 cordobas ($371) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 8,910 cordobas ($247) while the top 25% are earning 17,300 cordobas ($479) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Nicaragua’s population of 6.8 million is low, ranking 76th out of 112 countries in an annual survey.
8. Panama
Elementary school teachers in Panama on average earn about 1,360 Panamanian Balboa or 1,349 US dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 730 to 2,050 PAB (724 to 2,033 USD). The median (50%) salary is 1,250 balboas or $1,240 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 890 balboas ($883) and the top 25% earning 1,520 balboas ($1,508) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Panama’s 4.4 million people is low, ranking 73rd of 112 countries in an annual survey.
Teacher salaries in South America
The twelve South American countries have a combined population of 434.2 million, of which Portuguese-speaking Brazil makes up almost 50%. South and Central America are also called Latin America, comprising countries where Spanish, Portuguese, and French are predominantly spoken. Latin America totals 33 countries with a population of over 650 million if the Caribbean islands are included.
1. Argentina
Teaching salaries in Argentina are low, but the cost of living is not high either. The average annual income for secondary school teachers is 1,235,141 ARS (9,647 USD). The national average (50% median) is around 47,900 ARS ($375) per month. Salaries range from 23,000 to 87,400 ARS ($180 – $683), with the lower 25% earning less than 31,900 ($250) and 75% earning less than 67,600 ($528). English ESL teachers in Argentina on average earn between $600 – $1,100 per month. English is a mandatory school subject and the demand for ESL teachers is high.
- Argentina is rated to have the highest English proficiency among Latin American countries, but only 6% or 2.7 million of its population of 46 million use it as a 2nd language.
2. Bolivia
Secondary school teachers in Bolivia on average earn 6,820 Bolivian Boliviano or 981 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 3,270 BOB to 10,700 BOB (470 to 1,539 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 7,090 boliviano ($1,020) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 4,660 boliviano ($670) while the top 25% earn 9,250 boliviano ($1,330) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Bolivia’s population of 12.2 million is moderate, the 2nd best in Latin America, ranking 41st of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
3. Brazil
Teacher salaries in Brazil range from 5,350 Brazilian Real (992 American dollars) for a preschool teacher to 10,300 BRL (1910 USD) for a school principal per month. Elementary school teachers typically earn between 6,020 to 7,100 real ($1,116 to $1,316) per month. A high school math teacher typically earns around 8,450 real ($1,567). English teachers in Brazil on average earn $800 – $1,300 per month.
- English is the 2nd language for 5% or 10.5 million of Brazil’s population of 213.5 million.
4. Chile
Salaries of elementary school teachers in Chile range between 620,000 Chilean Peso or 670 American dollars to 1,920,000 CLP (2,075 USD) per month, with an average of 1,240,000 pesos ($1,340) per month. The bottom 25% earn less than 837,000 pesos ($904) and the top 25% earn 1,580,000 pesos ($1,700) or more per month. English teachers on average earn between 550,000 and 800,000 pesos (US$600 and $865).
- The English proficiency of Chile’s population of 19.6 million is moderate, ranking 7th of 20 Latin American countries and 47th of 112 in the annual EF survey.
5. Colombia
Colombia’s 341,000 teachers earn on average 2,899,350 Colombian peso (665 USD) per month, with 25% earning less than 2,440,000 peso ($560) and the top 25% earning above 4,380,000 peso ($1,005) per month. The median (50%) is 3,520,000 (807 USD) per month, though the national average. English teachers in Colombia is said to earn between $500 – $1,050 USD per month.
- The English proficiency of Colombia’s 51.3 million people is among the five lowest in Latin America.
6. Ecuador
Elementary school teachers in Ecuador earn on average about 920 USD per month, with salaries ranging from 420 to 1,470 USD. The median (50%) salary is 1,000 USD per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 640 USD and the top 25% earning 1,330 USD or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Ecuador’s 18 million people is very low, ranking 18th of 20 Latin American countries and 90th of 112 in an annual survey.
7. Paraguay
Elementary school teachers in Paraguay earn on average 5,380,000 Paraguayan Guarani or 777 US dollars per month, with salaries ranging between 2,690,000 and 8,340,000 PYG (388 to 1,205 US dollars) per month. The median (50%) salary is 5,380,000 guaranas or $371 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 3,630,000 guaranas ($524), while the top 25% earn 6,860,000 guaranas ($990) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Paraguay’s population of 6,7 million is moderate, ranking 6th among 20 Latin American countries and 44th of 112 in an annual survey.
8. Peru
Peru has about 350,000 teachers in charge of educating over eight million school children. Fortunately, Peru’s economy is mid-range, and compared to other countries teacher salaries seem reasonable, considering the low cost of living. Teachers in Peru on average earn around 5,370 PEN ($1,296) per month. Salaries range from a low of 2,790 sol to 8,210 sol ($714 – $2,100) per month. Primary school teachers earn around 5,340 sol ($1,380) pm, with the median salary (50%) being $2,025.
- Only about 10% of Peru’s population of 34 million have some proficiency in English.
9. Uruguay
Elementary school teachers in Uruguay on average earn about 23,400 Uruguayan pesos or 579 US dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 12,200 to 35,800 UYU or 302 to 886 USD per month. The median (50%) salary is 22,500 pesos per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 15,600 pesos ($386) per month while the top 25% are earning 28,000 pesos ($693) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Uruguay’s 3.5 million population is moderate, ranking 8th among 20 Latin American countries and 53rd out of 112 countries in an annual survey.
10. Venezuela
Officially, teachers in Venezuela earn an average of 103,000 Venezuelan bolivars per month, with salaries ranging from 52,500 to 159,000 VES. The median salary is 101,000 VES per month, while 75% of teachers earn less than 127,000 VES pm. However, with the bolivar devaluating almost daily, the true comparable income of Venezuelan teachers is difficult to gauge. By the end of August 2022, the official exchange rate was 7.83 bolivars to the US dollar, but the black market dollar was at 9.33 bolivars/ dollar. According to the Voice of America, Venezuelan teachers are among the lowest paid in Latin America, earning as little as 50 US dollars per month, while the cost of living for a small family is around $300 per month. The country’s Federation of Teachers has estimated that 50% of the country’s former 370,000 teachers have resigned since 2017.
Teacher salaries in the Caribbean
Only five of the thirteen autonomous countries in the Caribbean (plus Puerto Rico as an American territory), have populations of more than one million. They are Haiti, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago. The total population of the Caribbean’s 28 island countries is estimated at 44.5 million.
1. Cuba
Cuba has about 250,000 teachers to educate its 1.6 million schoolchildren. Teachers in Cuba typically earn around 16,800 Cuban Pesos or 700 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 8,210 to 26,100 CUP (342 to 1088 USD). The median (50%) income is 17,100 pesos ($713), with 25% of teachers earning less than 11,400 pesos ($475), while the top 25% earn 22,100 pesos ($922) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Cuba‘s population of 11.4 million is rated as moderate, ranking 43rd of 112 countries in the annual EF survey. Other sources estimate that 10% of Cuba’s population can speak English, though was made compulsory for high school and university students.
2. Dominican Republic
The average salary of teachers in the Dominican Republic is around 14,200 Dominican Pesos or 262 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 6,940 to 22,100 DOP (128 to 407 USD) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 9,620 pesos ($177), while the top 25% earn 18,600 pesos ($343) or more per month. English teachers earn $500 to $800.
- Less than 10% of the Dominican Republic’s population of 11,2 million have some proficiency in English.
3. Haiti
Secondary school teachers in Haiti on average earn around 52,400 Haitian gourde or 441 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 24,600 HTG to 82,700 HTG (207 to 696 USD). The median salary is 55,500 gourdes ($467 US) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 36,100 gourdes ($304) while the top 25% earn 73,300 gourde ($617) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Haiti’s population of 11.5 million, as a former French colony, is very low, ranking 105th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
4. Jamaica
Teachers in Jamaica on average earn 102,000 Jamaican dollars or 677 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 49,000 to 186,000 JMD (325 USD) per month. Secondary school teachers with Bachelor’s degrees earn on average 70,200 JMD (US$466) per month and those with a Master’s degree 111,000 JMD (US$737) per month.
- More than 50% of Jamaica’s population of 2.8 million speak Jamaican English either as 1st or 2nd language with Jamaican Patois.
5. Trinidad and Tobago
Secondary school teachers in Trinidad and Tobago on average earn around 7,860 Trinidad & Tobago dollars or 1,153 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 3,850 TTD to 12,300 TTD (565 to 1,800 USD) per month. The median salary is 8,020 TTD (1,176 USD) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 5,340 TTD (783 USD), while 25% are earning 10,300 TTD (1,511 USD) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Trinidad & Tobago’s population of 1.3 million people is high. English is the official language, but most people speak Trinidad English, a creole language.
Teacher salaries in Asia
In Asia, the average salary of a teacher is said to be around $36,000 per year. For example, in South Korea teachers’ salaries range from $26,000 to $100,000 for primary school teachers and from $50,000 to $150,000 for high school teachers. In China this ranges from 6,500 yuan (less than $1,000) to 30,000 yuan (about $4,500) per month for primary school teachers.
1. Afghanistan
Teachers in Afghanistan on average earn 60,200 Afghanistan afghani or 676 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 29,500 AFN to 94,000 AFN (331 to 1,056 USD) per month. The median salary is 61,500 afghani ($691) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 40,900 afghanis ($460) while the top 25% earn 79,300 afghanis ($891) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Afghanistan’s population of 41.1 million is very low, ranking 87th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
2. Bangladesh
Bangladesh has 108,500 schools of which 63,040 are public (government) schools, with 483,000 teachers to educate 19.5 million learners. Salaries are very low, primary school teachers earn on average 20,000 Bangladeshi Taka or 212 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging between 9,180 to 31,700 BDT (97 to 338 USD) and an average of 17,700 takas ($188). Elementary school teachers earn around 22,200 takas, with salaries ranging from 10,200 to 35,300 takas ($108 – $376). High school teachers earn between 11,100 and 38,400 takas ($118 – $409) per month with the median (50%) salary being 26,100 takas ($278) per month.
- The English proficiency of Bangladesh‘s population of 166.3 million is low, ranking 11th of 24 countries in Asia (65th of 112 countries) in the annual EF survey. About 19.8 million or 11.5% of Bangladesh’s people can speak some English.
3. Cambodia
Secondary school teachers in Cambodia earn an average of 2,700,000 Cambodian Riel or 660 US Dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 1,240,000 to 4,300,000 KHR (303 – 1,050 USD). The median (50%) salary is 2,920,000 Riel ($713) per month, with 25% of teachers earn less than 1,870,000 Riel ($713) while to top 25% are earning more than 3,900,000 Riel ($953) per month. English (ESL) teachers in Cambodia make $1,000 – $1,200 per month on average.
- The English proficiency of Cambodia’s population of 17.2 million is very low, ranking 97th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
4. China
China has the world’s biggest educational system, with 18.44 million full-time teachers for an estimated 300 million students. The average income for teachers in China varies between 11,200 to 32,800 Chinese Yuan (1,655 – 4,729 US Dollars) per month, with starting salaries for qualified teachers starting at 10,400 RMB (Renminbi, 1,537 USD) to an upper scale of 36,000 Yuan ($5,320). The median (middle 50%) salary is 20,600 Yuan ($3,044) per month, with the lower 25% earning less than 14,300 Yuan ($2,113) and the upper 75% getting around 22,700 Yuan ($3,355) per month.
Most foreign teachers in China earn between 14,000 and 21,000 RMB ($2,068 – $3,103) per month. Public schools tend to pay less than private institutions, ranging from 6,200 to 15,300 yuan ($916 – $2,261) per month.
- About 1% or 10 million of China’s population of 1,450.5 million are proficient in English as 2nd language, though 300 million students are learning English.
5. East Timor
Secondary school teachers in East Timor, as East Asia’s youngest nation, on average earn 1,790 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 860 USD to 2,810 USD. The median salary is 1,860 USD per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,220 USD while the top 25% earn 2,430 USD or more per month.
- The English proficiency of East Timor‘s population of 1.3 as a former Portuguese colony, is low.
6. India
Government teachers in India on average earn Indian Rupee 360,119 (4,505 US dollars) per year, with entry-level salaries starting at ₹250,000 ($3,128) per year. Government teacher salaries in India’s 28 States and 8 Union Territories (including Delhi) do not differ much, but once appointed, teachers have to teach where they are placed by the government.
Teachers in India are among the lowest-paid public servants in the country. A survey showed that new high school teachers in India typically earn ₹292,686 ($3,128) per year. Primary school teachers with a few years of experience on average earn ₹210,672 ($2,636) per year. Teachers in the big cities are paid more. Salaries in New Delhi are on average 54.9% above the national average, in Mumbai (26.9% more), and in Hyderabad (11.8% more).
A State of the Education Report for India by UNESCO in 2020, found that 42 percent of the teachers in both the private and government sectors work without a contract and earn under ₹10,000 ($125) per month. This is especially bad for the 41% percent of teachers in the private sector, where seven out of ten do not have a contract, are often underpaid, and have no benefits. Seven percent or 110,971 of the nation’s teachers (often underqualified) run single-teacher schools, of which 89 percent are in poor rural areas.
7. Indonesia
Indonesia has the world’s 4th largest population of 279,6 million, with 3 million teachers and 300,000 public schools to accommodate between 40 and 50 million students. Secondary school teachers in Indonesia earn around 10,200,000 Indonesian Rupiah/ IDR (690 US Dollars) per month, with salaries ranging from 5,210,000 IDR ($353) to 15,700,000 IDR ($1,063) per month. The median salary is 10,000,000 Rupiah ($677) per month. The bottom 25% of secondary school teachers are earning less than 6,850,000 Rupiah ($464) and the top 25% over 12,600,000 Rupiah ($854) per month. English ESL teachers earn $650 to $1,050 USD (9,300,000 – 14,700,000 IDR) per month.
- The English proficiency of Indonesia’s 279,6 million people (45% speak Javanese) is low ranking 14th of 24 Asian countries and 80th of 112 countries tested in the annual EF proficiency survey.
8. Japan
Teachers in Japan typically earn around 411,000 Japanese Yen (3,032 US Dollars) per month. Salaries range from 214,000 to 629,000 JPY (1,578 – 4,640 USD). New English teachers get paid between 247,700 and 286,200 JPY ($1,827 – $2,111) per month, with ESL teachers earning between 200,000 to 600,000 Yen ($1,475 – 4,426) per month. Japan mostly hires American ESL teachers.
- The English proficiency of Japan is low, with less than 10% of the population of 125.8 million having fluency.
9. Malaysia
Secondary school teachers in Malaysia on average earn 5,630 Malaysian Ringgit or 1,256 American dollar per month, with salaries ranging from 2,650 MYR to 8,900 MYR (591 to 1,980 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 5,970 ringgit or $1,331 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 3,880 ringgit ($865) while the top 25% earn 7,880 ringgit ($1,757) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Malaysia’s population of 32.7 million is high, ranking 3rd in Asia and 28th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
10. Myanmar
Teacher salaries in Myanmar are low, but so is the cost of living. Secondary school teachers typically earn around 446,000 Malaysian Kyat/ MMK (241 US Dollars) per month, ranging from 210,000 to 705,000 MMK ($114 – $381) per month. The median (earned by 50%) salary is 473,000 Kyats ($256) per month, with the lower 25% of teachers earning less than 307,000 Kyats ($167) and the top 25% earning 624,000 Kyats ($337) or more. English teachers at private schools in Myanmar reportedly earn between $1,500-$2,000 USD.
- The English proficiency in Myanmar (Burma) with its population of 54.4 million is very low, though 5% or 2 million say they use it as a 2nd language.
11. Nepal
Secondary school teachers in Nepal on average earn 67,800 Nepalese Rupee or 532 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 33,900 NPR to 105,000 NPR (266 to 823 USD). The median salary is 67,800 rupees ($532) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 45,800 rupees ($359) while the top 25% earn 86,400 rupees ($677) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Nepal’s population of 30.1 million is low, ranking 62nd of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
12. Pakistan
Teacher salaries vary considerably in Pakistan, depending on location and employers. The national average salary for teachers is 30,000 Pakistani Rupee/ PKR (US$146) pm, with secondary school teachers in Pakistan earning an average of Rs1,315,668 (US$6,431) per year. High school teachers typically earn around Rs70,500 ($345) pm with salaries ranging from Rs36,000 to Rs109,000 ($175 – $533) pm including benefits.
- English is the 2nd language of 85% or 188 million of Pakistan’s 200 million people.
13. Papua New Guinea
Secondary school teachers in Papua New Guinea earn on average 3,170 Papua New Guinean Kina or 900 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 1,650 to 4,840 PGK (469 to 1,375 USD). The median (50%) salary is 3,040 kinas or 864 US dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 2,110 kinas ($600) per month while the top 25% earn 3,780 kinas ($1,074) or more per month.
- English is the official language of Papua New Guinea and a census in 2011 showed that 48% of PNG’s population of 9.3 million have some English proficiency.
14. Philippines
The Philippines has 27.232 million learners of which 22.7 million (2022 figures) were enrolled in the 47,600 public schools and 3.4 million in the 12,800 private schools. The 800,000 teachers in public schools earn between 451 and 1,108 US Dollars per month, those in private schools often pay less, resulting in a national average salary of around 21,250 pesos per month.
Public teachers typically earn around 31,100 Philippine Pesos/ PHP (552 US Dollars) per month. Monthly salaries range from 14,300 to 49,500 Pesos ($354 – $878). Level 1 public teachers 1 earn 25,439 Pesos ($451) and those on level 3, about 29,798 Pesos ($528). Master teachers on level 1 earn 45,203 Pesos ($802) and those on level 4 62,449 Pesos ($1,108). The lower 25% of teachers earn less than 21,600 Pesos ($383) and only the top 25% earn more than 44,900 Pesos ($796).
- The Philippines has the 2nd highest proficiency in English in Asia, with 36 million 1st language and 64 m 2nd language users in a population of 112 million.
15. Singapore
The average salary for teachers in Singapore is 3,500 Singapore Dollars (2,509 US Dollars) per month, with the average salary for secondary school teachers around 4,500 SGD ($3,226) in the city area. These averages are based on a sample of 1,284 salaries, with the lowest reported being 2,000 SGD and the highest salary being 6,490 SGD ($4,650) per month.

16. South Korea
Secondary school teachers in South Korea earn on average 3,090,000 Korean Won or 2,368 US Dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 1,610,000 to 4,730,000 KRW (1,234 – 3,625 USD). The median (50%) salary is 2,970,000 Won ($2,276) per month, with lower 25% earning less than 2,060,000 Won ($1,579) and top 25% more than 3,700,000 Won ($2,836) per month.
New English teachers working in public schools through official ESL programs like EPIK typically earn between 1.5 to 3 million won ($1,150) with experienced teachers earning up to $2,650. English teachers at private institutions (hagwons) earn from 1.9 to 2.4 million won ($1,600 – $2,000 USD) monthly. This excludes benefits such as accommodation, making it possible for ESL teachers to save up to 50% of their monthly income.
- With the huge emphasis on teaching ESL over the past thirty years in South Korea, the English proficiency of the 51.4 million population is moderate, ranking 5th out of 24 Asian countries and 37th out of the 112 annually surveyed nations.
17. Taiwan
Secondary school teachers in Taiwan earn about 105,000 Taiwan Dollars or 3,500 US Dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 56,500 to 158,000 TWD (1,884 – 5,267 USD). The median salary (50%) is 96,300 TWD or 3,210 USD per month 25% of secondary school teachers are earning less than 68,800 TWD ($2,294) the top 25% are earning 117,000 TWD ($3,900) per month.
- Taiwan is currently not ranked as a country by an annual survey, but in 2017 the English proficiency of Taiwan’s 23,9 million people was described as “moderately,” ranking 40th of 80 countries surveyed.
Taiwan launches ESL recruitment program
Following the example of South Korea’s EPIK program, Taiwan has launched its Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program (TFETP) in 2022 to expand the recruitment of US state-qualified, native English-speaking teachers and teaching assistants. Salaries range from NT$62,720 to NT$91,420 per month, equivalent to around US$2,250 to US$3,300 plus the usual ESL teacher benefits. These salaries are very competitive, taking into account that Taiwan is surprisingly affordable compared to other popular Asian ESL destinations.
18. Thailand
In 2020, Thailand had 9.9 million learners in public schools with 665,000 teachers. Secondary school teachers in Thailand typically earn around 80,500 Thailand Baht or 2,224 US Dollars per month, ranging from 38,700 THB (1,070 USD) to 126,000 Baht ($6,257). The median (50%) salary is 83,800 Baht ($2,315) per month, while 25% earn less than 55,100 Baht ($1,522) and the top 25% earn more than 109,000 Baht ($3,010).
Other sources say Thailand’s national average teachers’ salary is 50,000 Baht ($1,384) pm, and that teachers earn between 30,00 and 35,000 Baht ($830 – $970). Thailand likes using Filipino teachers and an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 ESL teachers reportedly earn between 18,000 to 50,000 Baht ($500 – $1,400).
- The English proficiency of Thailand, with a population of 70.2 million (10 million in Bangkok) is very low – the 3rd lowest in Asia.
Teacher salaries in the Middle East
The Middle East is a region not easily defined, but in general, it is the countries southeast of Turkey, east of North Africa up to Pakistan. The 22 members of the Arab League (2021) are Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
1. Cyprus
Secondary school teachers in Cyprus on average earn 1,660 Euro per month, with salaries ranging from 850 to 2,560 Euros. The median salary is 1,630 EUR per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,110 Euro while the top 25% earn 2,050 Euro or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Cyprus’ population of 1,2 million is high among both Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
2. Iran
Thousands of Iran’s school teachers staged a one-day strike early in 2022 to protest their very low salaries. Elementary school teachers in Iran earn an average of 31,200,000 Iranian Rial (106 USD) per month, with salaries ranging from 15,300,000 to 48,700,000 IRR ($361 – $1,151) per month. The median (50%) salary is 31,900,000 Rial or $754 per month. The bottom 25% of elementary school teachers earn 21,200,000 IRR ($501) or less, while the top 25% are earning 41,100,000 IRR or more ($972) per month.
- In 2018 Iran banned the teaching of English in primary schools — even after school hours — saying that students’ skills in the Persian language and Iranian Islamic culture should be strengthened in the early developmental years. The English proficiency of Iran’s population of 84 million is moderate, scoring 58th out of 112 countries tested.
3. Iraq
Teachers in Iraq are very poorly paid compared to the Arab Gulf States. Elementary school teachers in Iraq on average earn about 1,450,000 Iraqi Dinar (987 USD) per month, with salaries ranging from 680,000 to 2,280,000 IQD ($463 – $1,552) per month. The median (50%) salary is 1,530,000 Dinar ($1,042) per month, while 25% of Elementary school teachers earn less than 996,000 Dinar ($678) per month and the top 25% earning 2,020,000 IQD ($1,375) and more.
- Iraq’s English language proficiency is also very low among its population of 40.2 million, ranking 107th out of 112 countries tested – 9th of the 12 Arab countries.
4. Israel
Qualified teachers in Israel on average earn 13,880 Israeli shekel or 3,964 American dollars per month. The salary range for elementary school teachers varies between 100,290 and 170,536 ILS (28,644 to 48,705 USD), with an average of 138,614 shekels ($39,590) a year. English teachers in Israel earn from $700 to $1,500 per month, but fluency in Hebrew is usually required apart from other qualifications and experience.
• English is an official language with 84% or 6 million Israelis using it as a 2nd language.
Secondary school teachers in Jordan on average earn 1,400 Jordanian dinar or 1,972 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 740 to 2,140 JOD (1,043 to 3,015 USD) per month. The median salary is 1,320 dinar (US $1,860) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 930 dinar ($1,310) while the top 25% earn 1,620 dinar ($2,282) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Jordan’s population of 10.4 million is low, ranking 90th of 112 countries in the 2021 EF survey.
5. Kuwait
Kuwait has among the world’s best-paid teachers, thanks to the Kuwait Dinar being the world’s most valuable currency in 2022. Primary school teachers in Kuwait earn an average of 1,010 Kuwaiti Dinar or 3,293 USD per month. Salaries range from 470 to 1,610 KWD ($1,532 – $5,250) per month.

The median salary that 50% of teachers earn, is 1,100 dinar ($3,586) per month. The bottom 25% of primary school teachers earn less than 700 KWD ($2,282) while the top 25% earn more than 1,460 KWD ($4,760) pm. English (ESL) teachers in Kuwait earn between 2,600 and 4,000 USD tax-free and the usual perks regarding housing, medical insurance and end-of-contract bonus. The government in March 2022 announced plans to recruit 1,000 additional teachers.
- Kuwait’s English language proficiency is very low among its population of 4.2 million, ranking 84th globally out of 112 countries in the annual EF survey and 6th of the 12 Arab countries.
6. Lebanon
Secondary school teachers in Lebanon earn an average of 1,830,000 Lebanon Pound / LBP or 1,206 US Dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 935,000 to 2,820,000 LBP ($616 to $1,860) per month. The median (50%) salary is 1,800,000 Pound ($1,186) per month, with the bottom 25% earning less than 1,230,000 LBP ($810), while the top 25% teachers earn 2,260,000 LBP ($1,490) or more per month. English teachers earn an average of 1,800,000 per month ($1,186).
- Lebanon’s population of 6.7 million people has the highest English proficiency in the Middle East, with 68% speaking English as 2nd language, thus ranking 1st of 12 countries and 34th out of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
7. Oman
Teachers in Oman on average earn 1,320 Omani rial or 3,429 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 650 OMR to 2,060 OMR (1,688 to 5,351 USD) per month. The median salary is 1,350 rial ($3,506) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 900 rial ($2,338) while the top 25% earn 1,740 rial ($4,520) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Oman’s population of 4.5 million is very low, ranking 102nd of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
8. Saudi Arabia
Primary school teachers in Saudi Arabia earn an average of 11,700 Saudi riyal (3,113 USD) per month, ranging from 5,360 to 18,500 SAR ($1,426 – $4,922). The median salary is 12,600 Riyal ($3,352) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 8,070 SAR ($4,470) while the top 25% earn 16,800 SAR ($4,470) per month.
- Saudi Arabia is one of the more profitable destinations to teach English, with salaries ranging between $2,600 to $4,000 per month. Still, the English proficiency among the population of 34.8 million is very low, having scored 11th of the 12 Arab states, and 104th of the 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
9. Syria
Secondary school teachers in Syria on average earn 127,000 Syrian Pound or 50 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 59,900 to 201,000 SYP (24 to 80 USD). The median salary is 135,000 SYP or US$54 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 87,800 pounds ($35), while the top 25% earn 178,000 pounds ($71) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Syria’s population of 18.4 million is very low, ranking 89th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
10. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Primary school teachers in the United Arab Emirates earn on average 4,300 Emirati dirham or 3,893 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 6,580 to 22,700 AED (1,791 to 6,180 USD). The median salary is 15,400 dirhams per month.
Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the UAE are sought-after locations for teaching abroad. Teaching all subjects in public or private schools and English at private language academies to all subjects pay very well. ESL teachers earn between 2,400-5,500 USD per month with averages of around 12,300 – 20,400 AED (3,300-5,500 USD) per month plus a number of benefits.
• English is the de facto 2nd language in the UAE with 88.5% of the population being of foreign descent (70% from Asia) and only 1.15 million of the 10 million inhabitants being indigenous Emiratis.
Salaries in Central Asia
Teacher salaries in the Russian Federation’s neighbors, the five former Soviet republics that constitute Central Asia together with Mongolia, are among the lowest in the world when measured in US dollars. The Central Asian countries are (their capital cities in brackets): Kazakhstan (Astana), Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Tajikistan (Dushanbe), Turkmenistan (Ashgabat), and Uzbekistan (Tashkent). Since its invasion in 1950, Tibet (Lhasa) is a Chinese ‘autonomous’ region.
1. Russia
Russian teachers (outside Moscow) earn around 73,700 Russian Ruble (1,266 American dollars) per month. The median (middle salary value) is 70,800 rubles ($1,215), with the lower 25% of teachers earning 49,100 rubles ($843) or less, and the upper 25% earning 88,100 rubles ($1,513) or more per month. Education salaries in Moscow salaries are much higher, resulting in monthly averages ranging between 62,800 to 239,000 rubles ($1,079 – $4,105). Preschool teachers earn around 78,400 rubles ($1,346), primary school teachers 88,900 rubles ($1,527), English high school teachers 90,600 rubles ($1,556), math teachers 111,000 rubles ($1,906) and a school principal 145,000 rubles ($2,490).
- The English proficiency of Russia is moderate, ranking 51st of 112 countries in the annual EF survey. About 11.9% or 17.5 million of Russia’s population of 145.9 million are proficient in English as a 2nd language.
2. Kazakhstan
Teachers in Kazakhstan on average earn about 267,000 Kazakhstan Tenge or 563 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 136,000 to 411,000 KZT (287 to 867 USD) per month. The median salary is 261,000 tenge ($550) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 179,000 tenges ($190) while the top 25% earn 329,000 tenges ($242) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Kazakhstan’s population of 19.2 million is very low, ranking 96th out of 112 countries in an annual survey.
3. Kyrgyzstan
Teachers in Kyrgyzstan on average earn about 15,300 Kyrgyzstan Som or 190 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 7,640 to 23,700 KGS (95 to 294 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 15,300 soum ($190) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 10,300 soum ($128) per month, while the top 25% earning 19,500 soum ($242) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Kyrgyzstan’s population of 6.7 million is very low, ranking 101st of 112 countries in an annual survey.
4. Mongolia
Elementary school teachers in Mongolia on average earn 1,580,000 Mongolian tughrik or 495 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 759,000 to 2,480,000 MNT (238 to 776 USD) per month. The median salary is 1,650,000 tughrik or 576 dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,080,000 tughrik ($338) while the top 25% earn 2,150,000 tughrik ($673) per month.
- The English proficiency of Mongolia’s population of 3.38 million is low, ranking 16th of 24 countries in Asia and 83rd of 112 countries in an annual survey.
5. Tajikistan
Secondary school teachers in Tajikistan on average earn 9,840 Tajikistani somoni or 973 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 5,120 TJS to 15,100 TJS (506 to 1,493 USD). The median (50%) salary is 9,450 somoni or 934 US dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 6,550 somonis ($647) while the top 25% earn 11,800 somonis ($1,166) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Tajikistan‘s population of 9.9 million is very low, ranking 24th of 24th in Asia and 103rd of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
6. Turkmenistan
Secondary school teachers in Turkmenistan on average earn 4,320 Turkmenistan manat or 1,234 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 2,240 TMT to 6,600 TMT (640 to 1,886 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 4,140 manat (1,183 US dollars) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 2,880 manats ($823) per month while the top 25% earn more than 5,160 manats ($1,474) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Turkmenistan’s population of 6.2 million has not been measured but is very low, similar to its neighboring countries.
7. Uzbekistan
Secondary school teachers in Uzbekistan earn around 1,110,000 Uzbekistan som or 101 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 556,000 UZS (50 USD) to 1,720,000 UZS (157 USD). The median (50%) salary is 1,110,000 Sum ($50) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 750,000 Sum ($68) while the top 25% earn 1,420,000 ($130) and more per month.
- The English proficiency of Uzbekistan’s population of 34,5 million people is – like the rest of Central Asian nations – very low, scoring 88th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
Teacher salaries in North Africa
The African continent comprises five major regions: Northern Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, East Africa, and Western Africa. The countries in Africa with the largest economies are Nigeria, Egypt, Algeria, Kenya, Morocco, Ethiopia, and Angola.
1. Algeria
Algeria has 105,000 public school teachers and 1.2 million learners. The average salary for an Algerian secondary school teacher is around 155,000 DZD (Algerian dinar) or 1,063 USD per month, with salaries ranging between 72,900 dinars ($500) and 245,000 dinars ($1,680) per month. The median (50%) salary is 164,000 dinar ($1,125) per month, with the lower 25% earning less than 107,000 dinar ($734), while the top 75% are earning more than 217,000 dinars ($1,488) pm.
- The English proficiency of Algeria, with a population of 44.6 million is low, it ranks 10th of the 54 African countries measured in 2021.
2. Egypt
Teachers in Egypt typically earn around 9,760 Egyptian Pound (518 USD) per month. Salaries range from 4,680 to 17,800 Pound ($248 – 944) and vary substantially depending on experience and the level and subject being taught.
- English is the 2nd language for 30% or 24.9 million of Egypt’s 83 million people.
3. Libya
Secondary school teachers in Libya on average earn 1,890 Libyan Dinars or 383 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 1,020 to 2,850 LYD (207 to 578 USD). The median (50%) salary is 1,740 dinars ($353) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 1,240 dinars ($251) while the top 25% earn 2,110 dinars ($428) or more per month.
- The English literacy of Syria’s 7.07 million people is very low, ranking 108th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
4. Morocco
The average salary of secondary school teachers in Morocco is around 16,100 Moroccan Dirham/ MAD or 1,574 US Dollars per month. Salaries range from 8,240 to 24,900 Dirham ($805 – $2,434) per month, with a median (50%) of 15,800 Dirham ($1,544) per month. The lower 25% of secondary school teachers earn 10,800 Dirham or less, while the upper 25% earn 19,900 Dirham ($1,945) and more per month. English teachers in Morocco on average earn 15,200 Dirham ($1,466) per month.
- The English proficiency of Morocco’s 37.8 million people is low, ranking 71th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
5. Sudan
Secondary school teachers in Sudan on average earn 29,700 Sudanese pound or 51 American dollar per month, with salaries ranging from 14,900 to 46,100 SDG (26 to 80 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 29,700 pound or 51 US dollar per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 20,100 pound ($35) while the top 25% are earning 37,900 SDG or $65 or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Sudan’s population of 46.1 million is very low, ranking 98th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
6. Tunisia
Secondary school teachers in Tunisia typically earn around 3,280 Tunisian Dinars / TND or 1,070 US Dollars per month, with salaries ranging between 1,540 to 5,190 Dinars ($504 – $1,665) per month. The median (50%) salary is 3,480 Dinars ($1,136) per month, with the bottom 25% of secondary school teachers getting less than 2,260 Dinars ($738) with the top 25% earning over 4,590 Dinars ($1,500).
- The English proficiency of Tunisia, with a population of 11.9 million is rated as medium. It ranks 4th of the 54 African and 75th of 112 countries measured in 2021.
Teacher Salaries in East Africa
The African Union’s 14 member states in the Eastern Africa region are Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and five island states, the Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion, and Seychelles. The seven countries of the East African economic community are Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, and the DRC, because its eastern region borders Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania.
1. Eritrea
Elementary school teachers in Eritrea on average earn 4,370 Eritrean nakfa or 291 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 2,060 to 6,910 ERN or 137 to 461 USD per month. The median (50%) salary is 4,640 nakfas or 309 dollars, with 25% of teachers earning less than 3,010 nakfas ($201) per month while the top 25% earn ($408) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Eritrea’s population of 3.6 million is low.
2. Ethiopia
Ethiopia, with a population of 120,9 million, is the world’s 12th largest nation and second in Africa behind Nigeria (218 million). It holds a special place in Africa, having never been colonized in its recorded history of 3,000 years, and is, therefore, home to the African Union. Secondary school teachers in Ethiopia earn around 7,160 Ethiopian birr or 137 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 3,720 to 11,000 ETB (71 to 210 USD). The median salary is 6,870 birrs or $132 per month, with the bottom 25% of teachers earning less than 4,770 birrs ($92) and the top 25% earning more than 8,560 birrs ($166).
- The English proficiency of Ethiopia‘s population of 120.9 million is low, scoring 63rd of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
3. Kenya
The starting salary for primary school teachers in Kenya is 27,000 Kenyan Shilling or 280 American dollars per month, inclusive of a commuter allowance of KES 5,000 (43 USD) per month. The average salary for high school teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission is 49,509 shilling ($420). According to another source, secondary school teachers earn around 126,000 KES (1,050 USD) per month, with salaries ranging from 61,700 to 197,000 shilling ($514 to $1,642).
- The English proficiency of Kenya‘s population of 52.6 is high, ranking 2nd behind South Africa in Africa and 21st of 112 countries in the annual EF survey. English is a co-official language of Kenya next to Swahili.
4. Madagascar
Madagascar is the world’s second-largest island nation next to Indonesia, but very poor. Secondary school teachers in Madagascar on average earn 1,030,000 Malagasy Ariary or 128 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 527,000 MGA to 1,590,000 MGA (128 to 385 USD). The median (50%) salary is 1,010,000 MGA ($245) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 693,000 MGA ($168) while the top 25% earn 1,280,000 MGA ($310) or more per month.
- As a Francophone country, the English proficiency of Madagascar’s population of 29.2 is low, ranking 77th of 112 countries in the EF survey.
5. Rwanda
Rwanda, called the ‘Switzerland of Africa’ for its cleanliness under its remarkable transformation strategy, following the 1994 genocide, in August 2022 increased the salaries of 68,207 certificated Rwandan teachers by 88% to a net starting salary of Rwandan Franc 50,849 or 50 American dollars per month. A further 12,214 with teaching diplomas got an increase of 40% for a starting salary of 54,916 RWF ($53), while 17,547 graduated teachers similarly saw a 40% increase, with starting salaries now of 70,195 francs ($68).
- The English proficiency of Rwanda’s population of 13,6 million is very low, according to the annual EF survey, ranking 109th of the 112 countries.
6. Somalia
Primary school teachers in Somalia on average earn 193,000 Somali shillings or 339 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 88,700 to 307,000 SOS (155 to 539 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 208,000 shillings ($365) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 134,000 shillings ($201) per month while the top 25% earn 278,000 shillings ($488) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Somalia’s population of 16.8 million is very low, ranking 106th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
7. Tanzania
Secondary school teachers in Tanzania on average earn 1,010,000 Tanzanian shilling or 433 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 503,000 to 1,560,000 TZS (216 to 669 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 1,010,000 shillings or 433 US dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 678,000 shillings ($291) while the top 25% earn 1,280,000 TZS ($549) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Tanzania’s population of 63.3 million is low, despite being the official language next to Swahili, ranking 67th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
8. Uganda
The typical primary school teacher in Uganda earns between 382,237 to 2,634,587 Uganda Shilling per month, that’s a mere US$100 – 700 pm. There are proposals to increase teacher salaries from 980k to 4.8 m Shilling ($260 – $1,275) and for secondary head teachers from 2.3m up to 10m Shilling pm ($600 – $2,260), should Kampala afford it.
- English is the official language of Uganda, with 90% (34m) million using it as a 2nd language.
Teacher Salaries in West Africa
The United Nations defines Western Africa as the countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. Due to long-term civil unrest in African countries, it was impossible to find reliable information on teacher salaries.
1. Benin
Secondary school teachers in Benin on average earn 293,000 West African francs or 448 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 158,000 to 442,000 XOF (241 to 675 USD) per month. The median salary is 269,000 XOF ($752) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 192,000 francs ($293) while the top 25% earn 327,000 francs ($500) or more per month.
- As a francophone country, the English proficiency of Benin’s population of 12.4 million is very low.
2. Gabon
Secondary school teachers in Gabon on average 435,000 Central African francs or 662 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 226,000 to 666,000 XAF (344 to 1,014 USD). The median salary is 418,000 francs or $636 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 290,000 XAF ($442) while the top 25% earn 520,000 XAF ($792) or more per month.
- As a francophone country, the English proficiency of Gabon’s population of 2.4 million is very low. Both Gabon and Togo have joined the Commonwealth to forge closer ties with the anglophone world and develop closer ties with English-speaking countries.
3. Ghana
Secondary school teachers in Ghana earn around 3,860 Ghanaian Cedis or 425 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 2,050 GHS (226 USD) to 5,870 GHS ($647) per month. The median (50%) salary is 3,630 cedis or 400 US dollars per month, while 25% of teachers earn less than 2,560 cedis ($282), the top 25% earn 4,470 cedis ($493) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Ghana is moderate, with the country ranking 42nd of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
4. Ivory Coast
One trusted source for salaries across the world says that most (75%) of secondary school teachers in the Ivory Coast / (Côte d’Ivoire) earn above 191,000 West African francs (300 American dollars) per month, with those in the top 25% earning 378,000 XOF (594 USD) or more. The median (50%) salary is 290,000 francs or US$455 per month. Another source puts the salary range for educators in the Ivory Coast between $125 for teachers and $240 for headmasters, with a university rector earning $704 per month.
- The English proficiency of the Ivory Coast’s population of 27,8 million is very low, ranking 99th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey.
English names of countries:
In “proper English” we use the Angelized versions of country names, for example, Germany and not Deutschland, Spain and not España, Greece and not Ellada (Ελλάδα). The same goes for the 11 to 20 countries ‘la Françafrique’ or French-speaking countries in West Africa, hence Ivory Coast and not Cote Di’oivre.
5. Nigeria
The typical primary school teacher in Nigeria, Africa’s largest nation, earns an average of 260,000 Nigerian Naira (US$626) per month. Salaries range from 119,000 to 413,000 Naira (US$286 – 994). A secondary school teacher typically earns around 55 US dollars more than a primary school teacher. A principal earns an average of 469,000 Naira (US$1,290) per month.
- English is used by 86% of Nigeria’s 225 million people, 141m as a 2nd language, including creole English.
6. Senegal
Secondary school teachers in Senegal on average earn 272,000 West African francs or 417 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 134,000 to 425,000 XOF (205 to 651 USD). The median salary is 278,000 XOF (US$426) per month, with 25% of teachers are earning less than 185,000 francs ($284) per month while the top 25% earn 359,000 francs ($550) or more per month.
- As a francophone country with French as the official language, the English proficiency of Senegal’s population of 17.3 million is very low.
7. Togo
Secondary school teachers in Togo on average earn 457,000 West African francs or 697 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 210,000 to 726,000 XOF (310 to 1,108 USD). The median salary is 493,000 XOF/ francs or $752 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 316,000 francs ($482) while the top 25% earn 658,000 francs ($1,004) or more per month.
As a francophone country, the English proficiency of Togo’s population of 8.7 million is very low, but both Togo and Gabon have joined the Commonwealth to forge closer ties with the anglophone world and develop closer ties with English-speaking countries.
Teacher Salaries in Southern Africa
The ten countries of the African Union’s southern Africa region are Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
1. Botswana
Secondary school teachers in Botswana earn an average of 9,230 Botswana pula or 742 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 4,890 to 14,000 BWP (393 to 1,126 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 8,680 pula or $132, with 25% of teachers earning less than 6,110 pula ($491) while the top 25% 10,700 pula ($860) or more.
- English is the official language of Botswana’s 2.4 million people and is understood as a 2nd language by most adults, of whom nearly 80% speak Setswana.
2. Malawi
Secondary school teachers in Malawi earn on average 135,000 Malawian kwacha or 132 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 66,200 to 211,000 MWK (65 to 206 USD). The median salary is 138,000 kwacha or 135 US dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 91,700 kwacha ($90) while the top 25% earn 178,000 kwacha ($174) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Malawi’s population of 20.2 million is moderate to high as 2nd language. English is the official language and compulsory in education.
3. Mozambique
Teachers in Mozambique on average earn 31,400 Mozambican metical or 491 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 14,500 to 50,000 MZN (227 to 783 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 34,000 meticais per month, with 25% earning less than 21,800 meticais ($341) while the top 25% earn 45,300 meticais ($709) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Mozambique’s population of 32.5 million is low, ranking 68th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
4. Namibia
Secondary school teachers in Namibia on average earn 13,500 Namibian dollars or 807 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 7,280 to 20,300 NAD (432 to 1,205 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 12,400 Namibian dollars or 736 US dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than NA$8,850 (US$525) while the top 25% earn NAM$15,100 (US$897) or more per month.
- English was declared the official language when Namibia gained independence in 1974, but the English proficiency of Namibia’s population of 2.5 million is very low, with only 2% in the capital Windhoek using English as 1st language.
5. South Africa

South Africa is a former Anglosphere nation. Teacher salaries in South Africa vary from 12,000 to 40,000 ZA Rand (745 to 2,470 USD). The average for a graduated primary school teacher with a few years of experience is R17,000 (US$1,100), and for those with ten and more years of service, R23,000 (US$1,400).
- English is a co-official language with 31% or 5.1 million 1st language and 12 million 2nd language users in South Africa‘s population of 60 million.
6. Zambia
Primary school teachers in Zambia on average earn 4,330 Zambian kwacha or 271 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 1,990 to 6,880 ZMK (125 to 431 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 4,680 kwacha or 293 US dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 3,000 kwacha ($188) per month while the top 25% earn 6,240 kwacha ($391) or more per month.
- English is the official language in Zambia, with most of the population of 19.4 million using English as a 2nd language.
7. Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe’s education system has a good reputation in the region, though only 150,000 teachers cater to 4.2 million students and the starting salary of assistant teachers is a mere 28,800 Zimbabwean dollars or 120 American dollars per month. Teachers in Zimbabwe are currently earning about R3,000 a month. They’re demanding salaries of about US$500. Secondary school teachers in Zimbabwe on average earn 176,000 Zim dollars per month. Salaries range from 80,900 to 280,000 ZWD (US$250/ ZAR4,000 to $760/ R12,400).
• English is the lingua franca for Zimbabwe’s 13 million people, with 11.5 million 2nd language users.
Teacher Salaries in Central Africa
The UN and the African Union view the following nine countries as part of the Central African region: Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC or Kinshasha-Congo), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville-Congo), and the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe.
1. Angola
Secondary school teachers in Angola on average earn 209,000 Angolan kwanza or 487 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 105,000 to 324,000 AOA (245 to 756 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 209,000 kwanzas or 487 US dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 141,000 kwanzas ($329) while the top 25% earn 267,000 kwanzas ($623) or more per month.
- The English proficiency of Angola’s Portuguese-speaking population of 32.8 million is very low, ranking 94th of 112 countries in an annual survey.
2. Brazzaville-Congo
Teachers in Brazzaville, on the northern side of the giant Congo River, earn much better salaries than those in Kinshasha. Secondary school teacher salaries in Brazzaville-Congo range from 270,000 Central African Franc or 420 US Dollars, to 909,000 XAF or 1,412 USD per month. The median (50%) salary is 610,000 Franc or 948 Dollars per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 396,000 Franc ($615) and the top 25% earning more than 805,000 XAF ($1,250) per month.
- The English proficiency of French-speaking Brazzaville-Congo’s 5.9 million people is very low, similar to that of Kinshasa-Congo.
3. Cameroon
Secondary school teachers in Cameroon on average earn 391,000 Central African Franc or 596 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 207,000 XAF to 594,000 XAF (315 to 905 USD). The median salary is 367,000 francs ($559) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 259,000 francs ($395) while the top 25% earn 452,000 francs ($882) or more per month.
- With both French and English as official languages, the English proficiency of Cameroon’s population of 26.5 million is very low, ranking 94th of 112 countries in the annual EF survey. Half of the population speaks Cameroonian English.
4. Central African Republic
Secondary school teachers in the Central African Republic on average earn 356,000 Central African Franc or 542 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 193,000 XAF to 538,000 XAF (294 to 820 USD). The median salary is 328,000 francs ($450) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 234,000 francs ($357) while the top 25% earn 398,000 francs ($606) or more.
- As a Francophone nation and one of the poorest in the world, the English proficiency of CAR’s population of 4.9 million is very low.
5. Chad
Secondary school teachers in Chad on average earn 378,000 Central African Franc or 596 American dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 197,000 XAF to 579,000 XAF (300 to 882 USD) per month. The median salary is 363,000 francs ($553) per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 252,000 francs ($384) while the top 25% earn 452,000 francs ($689).
- Consistently ranked as one of the five poorest countries in the world, the English proficiency of Chad’s population of 16.4 million is very low. French and Arabic are the official languages among more than 120 indigenous languages.
6. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
The DRC or Kinshasha-Congo has a population estimated between 89 and 95 million, but only two cities, Kinshasha and Lumbubashi of more than one million inhabitants, as an indication of how undeveloped most of this sprawling country in the middle of Africa is. Secondary school teachers in the DRC earn around 382,000 Congolese Franc or 191 US dollars per month, with salaries ranging from 206,000 to 577,000 CDF (103 – 290 USD) per month. The median (50%) salary is 352,000 francs or $176 per month, with 25% of teachers earning less than 251,000 francs ($126) per month, while the top 25% earn more than 427,000 francs ($214) per month.
- The English proficiency of the DRC’s estimated 89 – 94 million people is very low, ranking 110th of 112 countries in an annual survey.